Two new appointments to IMCRC Board

Professor Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School at the University of Technology Sydney, and Robert Cohen, Vice-President and General Manager of Global R&D for the Joint Replacement division at Stryker Orthopedics, have been appointed to the IMCRC Board of Directors.
In welcoming Professor Roy Green and Robert Cohen to the IMCRC Board, David Chuter, Managing Director and CEO of the IMCRC said:
“As we help Australian companies increase their global relevance through research-led innovation in manufacturing products, processes and service, it is important that our board has the right combination of skills, knowledge and expertise.”
“Both gentlemen will bring additional experience and expertise to our organisation, complementing a strong group of existing directors and the leadership team. The knowledge and networks our new directors provide will support IMCRC’s initiatives and strengthen our connections within the manufacturing sector. As the IMCRC gains momentum, I am excited that our organisation will benefit from the added capabilities these new directors bring.”
David Chuter also paid tribute to the contribution of departing Board members, Professor Calum Drummond, RMIT University, and Professor Robert Saint, Flinders University.
“Both gentlemen made exceptional contributions setting up our organisation and establishing partnerships that support IMCRC’ vision of a thriving, relevant and globally connected Australian manufacturing industry. The entire Board and management team thank them for their passionate and ongoing commitment to the IMCRC.”