Design robotics for mass customisation manufacturing

Industry partner
Urban Art Projects

Research organisation
Queensland University of Technology,
RMIT University

Manufacturing Investment
($1,195,599 IMCRC)
for 2017–2022
Robotic vision systems and smart software user-interfaces to streamline the process between design and custom manufacturing
Custom manufacturers face international competitive pressures from increases in labour costs and the time and complexity of the design-to-manufacture cycle.
Proposed Solution
Architectural firms are using the latest digital design software to provide complex design solutions that are increasingly difficult to manufacture.
Urban Art Projects is collaborating with Queensland University of Technology and RMIT University to use innovative robotic vision systems and software user-interfaces to reduce the integration time between design and custom manufacturing. This will improve competitive advantage by enhancing the company’s ability to manufacture high-value products and reduce time and cost to manufacture.
The technology will not only provide commercial value to Urban Art Projects, but will also benefit other Australian manufacturers across different industries such as medical devices, construction and aerospace where mass-customised products are in high demand. A key outcome in the delivery of the technology is development of the Design Robotics Open Innovation Network, enabling a peer-to-peer business knowledge transfer program, as well as the establishment of a Living Laboratory network between Brisbane and Melbourne through Urban Art Projects, Queensland University of Technology and RMIT University.