IMCRC invested in collaborative research, manufacturing innovation
and education across Australia
Highlights and Achievements 2016 – 2022
A champion of Australian manufacturing innovation
With the completion of 71 transformative manufacturing R&D projects, IMCRC and its partners have proven how collaborative investment, research impact and innovation have strengthened the competitiveness, productivity and resilience of Australia’s manufacturing industry.

Annual Highlights 2023
IMCRC delivers Australian manufacturing innovation
In FY2022-23, IMCRC has delivered a robust portfolio of 71 industry-led R&D projects, which collectively have generated over $250 million of investment into Australian manufacturing innovation. The outcomes of each project will help strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of IMCRC’s industry partners and lead to long-term economic growth.

Annual Highlights 2022
IMCRC accelerates Australian manufacturing innovation
In FY2021-22, IMCRC generated a $230 million investment portfolio of 71 industry-led R&D projects. With 22 new projects starting in the reporting period, IMCRC’s ambition to help catalyse the transformation of Australian manufacturing has inspired many to go beyond traditional manufacturing and invest in emerging technologies and new business models.

Annual Highlights 2021
$220 million of R&D investment to date helps unlock the potential of Australian manufacturing
In FY2020-21, IMCRC’s cumulative investment reached $33 million of Commonwealth and other funding across 49 industry-led R&D projects. Translating innovative ideas into commercial outcomes, these projects help Australian manufacturers to strengthen their position in local and international supply chains and markets.

Annual Highlights 2020
IMCRC purposely invested $31 million of Commonwealth and other funding to advance Australian manufacturing
In FY2019-20, IMCRC has expanded its portfolio of industry-led manufacturing projects, catalysing over $200m investment in collaborative research, manufacturing innovation and education across Australia.

Annual Highlights 2019
Helping transform Australian manufacturing, IMCRC has allocated $23 million of Commonwealth funding across 26 projects
In FY2018-19, IMCRC has strengthened its position as a catalyst for the transformation of Australian manufacturing, delivering benefits through collaborative investment, research impact and innovation.

Annual Highlights 2018
With $100 million of research investment, distributed across 17 projects, 2017-18 was a great year
Read about how IMCRC has made significant progress and built solid foundations to support Australian manufacturers increase their global relevance through research-led innovation in manufacturing products, processes and services.